For the last few decades, Dr. Black has combined scholarship par excellence with a dedicated heart for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Many thank to Dr. Black for his academic and spiritual mentorship!
Thanks to the editors, Daniel L. Akin (president of Southeastern) and Thomas W. Hudgins (a friend of mine, scholar and professor at Capital Seminary and Graduate school)!
The contributors and their essays are as follows:
1. Stanley E. Porter, "So What Have We Learned in the Last Thirty Years of Greek Linguistic Study?"
2. Constantine R. Campbell, "Prepositions and Exegesis: What's in a Word?"
3. Michael Rudolph, "Reclaiming Γάρ: Correcting the Conjunctive Errors of New Testament Lexicography."
4. J. K. Elliott, "Majority Text or Not: Which Criteria Should Be Adopted When Assessing Textual Variation in the Greek New Testament?"
5. Tommy Wasserman, "A Short Textual Commentary on the Lucan Travel Narrative (Luke 9:51-19:46)."
6. Maurice Robinson, "'It's All About Variants'--Unless 'No Longer Written.'"
7. Christian B-.Amphoux, "L'origine de la parole de Jésus sur la réunion du masculin et du féminin."
8. Jesús Peláez and GASCO, "The Definition and Translation of ἀλήθεια in the Gospel According to John: The Case of John 1:14, 17."
9. Israel Munoz Gallarte, "The Meaning of πίστις in the Framework of the Diccionario griego-espanol del Nuevo Testamento."
10. Alexander E. Stewart, "The Infancy Narratives and the Synoptic Problem: Reassessing the Evidence and Arguments."
11. Antonio Pinero, "The Origin of Jesus' Speeches in the Fourth Gospel."
12. Paul A. Himes [yours truly], "Wisdom and the Sojourning Saints or Christ and the Wandering Sinners? The Wilderness Wandering Motif in Hebrews as a Reaction to Wisdom of Solomon."
13. Stephen H. Levinsohn, "Contextualizando y actualizando la traducción al espanol de la gramática griega de David Alan Black."
A couple quick comments:
First of all, this is one of the most multi-cultural Festschrifts I've ever seen, with essays in 3 different languages and scholars from seven different countries represented (I repeat: seven different countries).
Secondly, I'd like to lay claim to being the first professor to have a student cite from this book in a paper, since a couple days before the official presentation of the book to Dr. Black I had a student borrow my copy to cite Dr. Rudolph's essay on γάρ.
Once again, many thanks to Dr. Black, a true scholar and servant of Jesus Christ!