all the classes I've had the privilege of teaching, I am by far the most
passionate about Hermeneutics (which, I'm happy to report, is required for all college
students here at BCM, both guys and gals, as is Greek). I strongly hold to the
presupposition that we can understand
God's Word as it was meant to be understood, but that on the other hand it will
usually take some work. Thus a little child can understand John 3:16 in any
modern translation and trust Christ, while a myriad of scholars will write a
cornucopia of academic articles on what in the world "Saved Through
Childbearing" means (1 Tim 2:15; and even the Apostle Peter admitted that
the Apostle Paul could be difficult to understand--2 Peter 3:16).
ultimate goal of Hermeneutics is to understand the Word of God. Yet
in the process, two great dangers
(even sins, if we're not careful) loom in front of us. On the one hand, we must
avoid at all costs the devil's trap of asking "Has God really said . .?" if, indeed, God has clearly spoken
(Genesis 3:1). Yet the other side of the coin is that we must absolutely avoid
saying "Thus saith the Lord" if God has not spoken! In other words,
the danger of Ezekiel 22:28 is just
as serious as Genesis 3:1. To claim to speak God's Word on a topic while distorting the actual meaning can be just as serious as outright ignoring what
God has said.
God's Word truly is sacred yet occasionally difficult, we can expect various
levels of disagreements on the adiaphora,
the non-essentials. Nevertheless, no excuse exists for misinterpreting God's
Word through lack of study or exalting one's own opinions over the plain sense
of Scripture. The ultimate example of hermeneutical incompetence, and one
that I show to my students, is the popular YouTube clip arguing from the alleged
Aramaic behind Luke 10:18 that President Obama is the Antichrist (no, I am not making that up).
Bad hermeneutics, though, can have more serious consequences than just another
round of "let's name the Antichrist or date the rapture." Second
Timothy 2:15-18 seems to imply that a failure to "rightly divide" God's
Word leads to the errors of Hymenaeus and Philetus, who began to teach
seriously wrong theology. Consequently, I am stressing to my students something
I call the "Law of Hermeneutical
Authority"—namely "The authority of your claim that 'Thus says
the Lord' is diminished in direct proportion to your mishandling of the meaning
or application of a passage of Scripture." In other words, dear students
of Scripture (and I speak to myself here as well), you cannot make dogmatic
claims on meaning or application if you are manhandling the Word of God to suit
your needs or opinions. God's Word is authoritative when it is properly
understood. Quoting Scripture is cheap; anybody can do that (as does the devil
himself, as well as his human minions). The question is: are we understanding
this particular passage in Scripture as it was meant to be understood? If not,
there goes any claim to authority on that passage. (At this point I will briefly stress the difference between "meaning" and "significance"--the former will always stay the same, while the latter may change to a certain degree from person to person, and sometimes as the Spirit leads, but it will always be grounded on the former).
This does not mean that anybody is perfect! All of us, at some (or many) points in our lives, will definitely mess up in our interpretation. Jesus Christ remains the only infallible interpreter of the Word (after all, he is the Word). Nevertheless, we must cultivate an attitude of respect towards the Bible, coupled with a determination to study matters out.
that in mind, I'd like to share with my readers some of the resources that have
been a great help to me in teaching this class.
of all, our main textbook is Grasping
God's Word, by Duvall and Hays (3rd ed.; Zondervan, 2012). This
book is easily-readable, meant for college students--not technical, yet solid
and very practical. Unlike the majority of textbooks out there, it actually has
an entire chapter on the Holy Spirit! (Definitely a point in its favor). Furthermore,
this book truly resonated with a lot of what I personally wanted to stress in
class. I do disagree with much of chapter 1 (being a Byzantine-text
guy, among other things), but this could not even come close to deterring me from requiring this excellent book for my students.
am also requiring my students to read all of the fantastic Scripture Twisting by James Sire. This
book does a very competent job of exposing the hermeneutical fallacies of cults and
extreme fringe groups; the discussion on "Worldview Confusion" is
especially helpful.
my own personal study, I made it a point to purchase both Cracking Old Testament Codes (eds. Sandy and Giese) and A Complete Literary Guide to the Bible
(eds. Ryken and Longman) since we will be covering a lot of material on genre
in the class (as well as backgrounds, language, theology, etc.)
book that has surprisingly challenged me in an "outside-of-the-box"
kind of way is Peter J. Leithart's Deep
Exegesis: The Mystery of Reading Scripture. If you, dear reader, feel that
you have a basic grasp of hermeneutics, and you already own Grasping God's Word or something
similar, then go ahead and buy Leithart's Deep
Exegesis—it will make you think!
other useful sources: Grant Osborne's The
Hermeneutical Spiral is considered a classic for seminary-level work. For those of a more dispensational
persuasion, Roy B. Zuck's Basic Bible
Interpretation is very helpful (and was the textbook of choice with the
previous teacher of BCM's hermeneutics class), while Graeme Goldsworthy's Gospel-Centered Hermeneutics is a bit
more of a reformed persuasion, though both Zuck and Goldsworthy would be worthy
additions to your library and have their own strengths. Also, Introduction to Biblical Interpretation,
by Klein, Blomberg, and Hubbard, is a useful book; for advanced studies, I must
needs put a plug in for Invitation to
Biblical Interpretation by Andreas J. Köstenberger and Richard D. Patterson.
most of the students will probably have taken Greek by the time they get to
class (but very few will have had Hebrew, which I also teach at BCM), I will be
showing them how to do very simple word studies via Strong's numbers (while
stressing that meaning is derived from both context and semantic range,
not either in isolation). For backgrounds, I am pointing them to the various
excellent sources out there, including Second Temple literature and other
primary sources (for secondary sources, I am especially fond of The New Testament in Antiquity by
Cohick, Green, and Burge, and Backgrounds
of Early Christianity by Everett Ferguson).
NT use of the OT, a sub-division of hermeneutics, has a whole host of books that you
should be aware of; nevertheless, that is another post for another time.
a knowledge of Hermeneutics should go hand-in-hand with competency in Greek,
Hebrew, and Aramaic. Nonetheless, hermeneutics is the foundational
class; it will not matter how well you know the original languages if you fail
to treat Scripture and its original authors (both divine and human) with the respect and reverence they deserves. Hermeneutics does not give you all the answers, but it does teach
you which questions to ask!