
The Paroikos Bible Blog exists as a resource to those interested in Biblical studies and Koine Greek. It is hoped that this blog will simultaneously provide food-for-thought to the reader while pointing him or her in the direction of valuable resources, both in print and on the internet, that will further help his or her studies in the Word.

Feb 16, 2014

Academic journals accessible online: Part 2

We are fortunate to live in an age where you don’t necessarily need a quality seminary library to do serious study of Scripture, whether for personal benefit or for a class. In the previous post, I listed journals available online (for the most part broadly evangelical) that I thought would be beneficial even to those not going to seminary or grad school. Today, I am listing (with a minimum of commentary) journals for more academic study. Every grad student in seminary or other master’s degrees in Biblical Studies or theology should be familiar with and able to utilize these journals. Next post we’ll look at some of the more obscure yet important journals that will be beneficial to doctoral students.

So here we go (in alphabetical order), with links. Let me know if I’ve missed any that are important for MA/M.Div. level Biblical studies. Please note: I’m listing even journals that require a subscription or a purchase to view a back issue. I want students to be aware of the important journals, and $10 for a back issue may be worth it for a good paper grade, or a better understanding of a topic. In just a couple cases, articles do not seem to be viewable online at all (seriously, people, get with the times!)
Also note: a lot of the articles that are not free can be digitally “rented” for a 24-hour period for a reasonable fee.
Final, important note: obviously most of you don’t intend to take hours a day to browse through journals just to see if your topic comes up. The SAGE website offers a search engine, and many of the individual journal websites (e.g., Theological Studies) have a search engine for their own journal. The downside with SAGE is that you generally have to pay for articles you want to read.

The Bible Translator—click here.
All articles viewable for free through 2012.

Biblical Theology Bulletin—click here.
Available through the SAGE website. Unfortunately, purchase or a subscription is required to view back issues.

Catholic Biblical Quarterly—click here.
Unfortunately, a subscription is required to view back issues.

Evangelical Quarterly—click here.
Archived articles are viewable for free up until 2008. However, there are some broken links, and some earlier articles (e.g., 1930s) are not yet viewable.

Expository Times—click here.
Available through the SAGE website. Unfortunately, purchase or a subscription is required to view back issues.

Filologia Neotestamentaria—click here
Articles are viewable for free through 2008 (they haven’t updated this site in a while, but the archive links still work). May I admit a personal favorite, and recommend Jody Barnard’s excellent article on verbal aspect theory? (click here). It’s pretty much the main reason I have yet to buy in to verbal aspect theory à la Port, et al.

Harvard Theological Review—click here.
Unfortunately, articles must be purchased.

Journal for the Study of the Historical Jesus—click here.
Unfortunately, individual articles must be purchased or rented.

Journal for the Study of the New Testament—click here.
Articles must be purchased or rented.

Journal for the Study of the Old Testament—click here.
Available through the SAGE website. Unfortunately, articles must be purchased or rented.

Journal of Biblical Literature—click here.
Sadly, I can’t figure out if back issues of this journal are viewable online or not, whether with purchase or for free. A pity, because this is the premiere journal of biblical studies (and has been in existence for 130+ years)

Journal of Semitic Studies—click here.
Articles must be purchased.

Journal of Theological Interpretation—click here.
Apparently not viewable at all online, except for a free sample issue. You can, however, view the titles of individual articles.

Neotestamentica—click here.
Articles are viewable for free up through 2000.

New Testament Studies—click here.
Purchase or rent required.

Novum Testamentum—click here.
Articles must be purchased.

Old Testament Essays—click here.
Articles are viewable for free through 2001.

Perspectives in Religious Studies—click here.
Sadly, there does not seem to be any way to view articles online (though you can look at the abstracts).

Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith—click here.
Basically every single issue is accessible for free! Wow! Some of the earlier ones are only available in HTML, and not PDF, but still, this is great!

Princeton Theological Review—click here.
Though a student-run journal, each issue is downloadable in its entirety for free (PDF format).

Reformed Theological Review—click here.
Articles must be purchased.

Review and Expositor—click here.
There does not seem to be any way to view articles online.

Scottish Journal of Theology—click here to search the journal.  Click here for list of contents.
Articles must be purchased.

Theological Studies—click here.
Articles available for free up to 5 years before the current issue. Also, this site contains its own search engine for the journal!

Theology—click here.
Available through SAGE, but articles must be purchased.

Theology and Science—click here.
Apparently articles are not viewable online (though the tables of contents are).

Theology Today—click here.
Apparently an archive is coming soon, but for now there doesn’t seem to be a way to view articles online.

Toronto Journal of Theology—click here.
Articles must be purchased.

Vetus Testamentum—click here.
Articles must be purchased.

Weslyan Theology Journal—click here.
Does not appear to be viewable online, though it does have a search engine.